Social Action Plan

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on March 7, 2008 by nosnhoj88x

I decided to work with a group.  I still wouldn’t mind pursuing some of my other ideas, but not for this school project.  If anyone is interested in helping me with my other plan dealing with Assiciated Charities get in contact with me, and maybe we could still set something up.  My new group is with Danial, Hailey, and Colon.  We are going to be doing a project called pay it forward.  What we are doing is simply doing a nice deed for someone, without expecting them to return the favor directly back to us.  They can only pay us back by passing on a nice deed to three other people.  Right now we are looking into some different ideas of how to get our plan out there, to the public.  It won’t be hard to get started, but if we want it to keep doing well, we have to get it recognized by the city and maybe through the media.  We are targetting everyone in La Junta for now, probably starting at the high school. 

Spring Break

Posted in Uncategorized on March 7, 2008 by nosnhoj88x

This week in class I learned about satire in writting.  We learned that is a way to poke fun at something.  Some people use this as a way to point out flaws in society or just degrade the work of someone else.  Either way, it is an interesting way to put out ideas.  Of course, what I leaned is not the main thing at the top of my head right now.  It’s all about …SPRING BREAK…  I don’t have a lot of definate dates set for when I am doing what.  I do have ideas of what I am going to be doing though.  I am going to be staying up late and sleeping in.  I will go camping with my cousins and maybe my grandpa.  I will hang out with friends just cruising around and wasting gas.  I am going to party, and you can take that however you want.  I am going to go out of town for a few days with my family.  Video games will probably take up for most other unaccounted for time.  I do plan in setting some time apart to do work on my British Author Project.  I will probably read a lot in Dracula, and take some more notes on my sources. 

What I’ve Done this week.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on February 29, 2008 by nosnhoj88x

This week I did a lot of things  I prepared and presented my vocabulary presentation which went a lot better than I thought it would.  I also read a lot in the book Dracula.  Some of this reading took place at school, and a lot took place at home.  I’m currently on page 67.   Me and my social action group got together and did most of the social action plan together.  I also started taking some notes on Bram Stoker. 


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on February 22, 2008 by nosnhoj88x

I think one cause I could pursue is helping the poor.  I know there are not a lot of homeless people wondering around the valley, but there are a lot of people that could use our help.  Associated Charities is a good organization.  I think it would be great if more people would donate food items to them all year round, and not just around the holidays.  People could volunteer to go door to door each week.  They would stake out on a different part of town every week in order not to frustrate the home owners.

Another good thing to do would be to spend time with the elderly.  You know it is not a lot of fun sitting around all day without anything to do.  I think a good project to do would be to go to nursing homes and even to elderly known to be alone throughout the community.  You could bring board games, or just chit-chat about stuff.  They could tell you stories of the good old days, and you could tell them about your life. 


Posted in Uncategorized on February 22, 2008 by nosnhoj88x

One thing that is going well for me is that I finally picked up the book Dracula and started to read it.  It isn’t too much but it’s a start.  This is pretty good for me considering almost everything I do is last minute.  One of my main struggles is actually being in class.  I am always going to ambulance calls and I find it hard to turn off my pager.  I have also been sick a few days, and missed for the blood drive.  I actually don’t have any burning questions right now.  I think the only way I can get help at this time would be to come in after school. 

It’s going ok…

Posted in Uncategorized on February 22, 2008 by nosnhoj88x

My assingment is going good in a few ways.  I have found valuble sources that gave me a lot of information on Bram Stoker.  I am struggling with actually taking notes on these sources.  I am also surprised on how much I put off reading the book Dracula.  It sounds interesting and all, but I am not too big of a reader.  The only question I have is if Stoker’s first name is actually Bram, or Abraham. 

Hello world!

Posted in Uncategorized on February 15, 2008 by nosnhoj88x

Hello everyone, how’s it going?  This is my first entry so…yeah.  There ya go.